It may not come as a surprise to many, but financial stress is often the main cause of psychological issues. For people in Calgary, living in a boom-bust economy, periods of financial stress are the norm – but they have a toll on our mental health. Finding a psychologist in Calgary that offers counselling can provide us with the tools needed to cope.
In this article, we will discuss the combination of a good tax consultant working in combination with psychological counselling.

Paying tax is an obligation for all Canadians if they fall under the eligibility criteria for taxes. This tax money is used by the government for the betterment of the people. So, paying taxes is a no-brainer. Most Canadians don’t have a problem paying taxes too. It’s just that the process of filing the tax returns is a bit complex which is a source of stress. Filing personal taxes can be a frustrating task for many people. Some even dread the tax season each year and become stressed out because of it. While it is true that filing tax returns can be an exhausting exercise, there are ways through which you can simplify it. The easiest one among those ways is to hire a good tax accountant.

Identifying and Overcoming the Sources of Psychological Stress: A Step-by-Step Guide
Stress is a natural part of life, but it can become overwhelming and have a negative effect on our mental and physical health. Identifying and overcoming the sources of psychological stress can be a difficult task, but it is possible with the right attitude and strategies. This step-by-step guide will provide an overview of the sources of psychological stress, how to recognize them, and how to develop coping strategies to overcome them. It will also offer practical tips and advice to help you reduce and manage stress in your life. With the right approach and guidance, you can take steps to reduce and manage stress, and create a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Identifying the Sources of Psychological Stress
Stress can occur when the demands of life exceed our ability to cope with or control them. The sources of psychological stress can vary widely, and can be related to many aspects of daily life, including work, relationships, money, health, time management, and more. While stress is not always negative, it can become unhealthy when we are unable to control or manage it. Increased stress levels can have a negative effect on both mental and physical health. It can increase the risk of anxiety and depression, reduce resilience, and increase the risk of physical health issues, such as heart disease and digestive issues. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the sources of psychological stress in your life and to take steps to reduce and manage stress.
Causes of Stress
Stress can be caused by a number of different factors in your life. Some of the most common causes of stress include work, finances, relationships, and health.
- Work – Work can be challenging and can cause stress in a number of different ways. It can be stressful when you don’t enjoy your job or are faced with lots of responsibilities that you don’t have the time or skills to handle. You may also find that your job is stressful due to your co-workers or the nature of your relationship with your boss or colleagues.
- Finances – Having difficulty managing your finances can cause a great deal of stress. You may struggle to make ends meet, make debt payments, or have difficulty saving for retirement.
- Relationships – Relationships are an important part of life, but they can also be a source of stress. Relationships can cause stress when there is conflict, when we feel that we are overburdened, or when we feel like we don’t have the skills to handle the relationship.
- Health – Poor health can cause stress in a number of different ways. You may find that you are dealing with a chronic illness or other health condition that requires a significant amount of time and energy to manage. You may also struggle with issues such as a lack of access to health care, high health care costs, or finding a job that is accommodating to your health needs.
Recognizing the Symptoms of Stress
In order to identify the sources of stress in your life, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress. Stress can have many different signs and symptoms. Some common signs of stress include irritability, nervousness, tension in the muscles, trouble focusing on work or tasks, and feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities. Common symptoms of stress can also include:
- feeling anxious
- feeling depressed
- being moody
- having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
- changes in eating or appetite, and
- experiencing frequent headaches or digestive issues.
It can be difficult to identify the signs and symptoms of stress in your life because they may vary from person to person. Stress can also be a gradual process, meaning that you may not notice the signs and symptoms until they are already significantly impacting your life. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress so that you can act quickly if they become significant in your life.
Healthy Coping Strategies for Stress
One of the most important steps in reducing and managing stress is to identify strategies and techniques that work best for you. You may find that certain strategies are more effective than others in certain situations. When you encounter a source of stress in your life, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress so that you can take action quickly. Here are some healthy coping strategies that can be helpful in reducing and managing stress:
- Self-Care – It is important to practice self-care when you are feeling stressed. Self-care is the act of taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical needs. It is a way of prioritizing your health and well-being in order to reduce and manage stress. Self-care can include activities such as eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, spending time with friends and family, and scheduling time for yourself each day.
- Mindful Meditation – Practicing mindful meditation can be an effective strategy for dealing with stress. Meditation is the practice of quieting the mind and focusing on one thing, such as the breath, to decrease stress and anxiety. Meditation can help to decrease bitterness, resentment, and feelings of anger, and can also help to promote feelings of hope, joy, and love.
- Breathing exercises – Practicing breathing exercises can help to regulate your breathing and prevent you from experiencing the negative effects of stressful emotions. Breathing exercises can be helpful when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and tension in the muscles.
- Writing – Writing can be a helpful strategy for dealing with stress. Writing about your emotions and feelings can be therapeutic and can help to identify your sources of stress. Journaling can also be a helpful tool for managing your stress if you are experiencing significant problems in your life. It can be helpful to keep a journal where you can write about your feelings and thoughts as they happen so that you don’t have to carry the stress and emotions around with you.
Developing a Stress Management Plan
Once you’ve identified the sources of stress in your life, it is important to develop a stress management plan. A stress management plan can be a helpful tool for managing your stress. It can provide you with the structure and support you need to reduce and manage stress. It can also help you to identify the signs and symptoms of stress, and help you to develop strategies that work best for you. A stress management plan can be as simple or as detailed as you need it to be. It can be helpful to create a visual representation of your plan so that you can see it every day, and can refer to it as needed. Here are some tips for developing a stress management plan: Identify the sources of stress in your life. This can be an important first step in developing a stress management plan. By identifying the sources of stress in your life, you can focus your energy on taking action to reduce and manage stress. Examine your lifestyle. Are there areas in your life where you could make changes to reduce your stress? For example, are there changes that you could make to your work schedule or responsibilities to make your work less stressful? Are there changes you could make to your finances, relationships, or health that would reduce stress? Create a stress management plan. Once you’ve identified the sources of stress in your life and examined your lifestyle, you can create a stress management plan. Your stress management plan can be as detailed or as simple as you need it to be. It can help to write your plan down so that you can see it every day and refer to it as needed.
Practical Tips for Reducing Stress
There are many ways to reduce stress in your life. It is important to identify the sources of stress in your life and to take action to reduce and manage stress. Here are some tips for reducing stress in your life: Create an atmosphere of calm. It can help to create an atmosphere in your life that promotes calm. You can do this by creating a space that is comfortable for you, making sure to eliminate the sources of stress in your life, and surrounding yourself with people who are positive and supportive. Take care of your health. Poor health can cause stress, so it is important to take care of your health. You can do this by making sure taking care of your health, such as eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and taking care of any existing health conditions you may have. Be present in the moment. Being present in the moment can help you to reduce stress and anxiety in your life. Being present in the moment means being focused on what is happening right now, and letting go of thoughts about the past or worries about the future. It can help to practice being present in the moment by taking time out of your day to focus on the present, and making mindfulness a part of your daily life. Get adequate rest. Getting adequate rest is important for your health and well-being. It can help to make sure that you are getting enough sleep, and that you aren’t sleeping too much. Be mindful of your thoughts.
Financial Stress and a Good Tax Accountant
Tax accountants are professionals that are aware of all the tax laws. They have a firm grasp of the process of filing tax returns and also know about the documentation needed for performing this task. A good tax accountant can be an invaluable asset for a small business. They can help you file your tax returns and prepare all the paperwork that is necessary for this process. You won’t have to do anything and can continue your work without having to worry about the approaching tax season. With the tax accountant in charge of your tax affairs, you can breathe easily and can rest assured that your tax returns will be filed well before the deadline.
Good tax accountants don’t just do your taxes. They can help you take advantage of the tax credits and the tax exempts that are offered by the government. You might not be aware of these tax benefits that you can avail but the tax accountant would know about them. They can tell you exactly what tax benefits you can claim and make sure that you only pay what you owe to the government. Tax accountants help millions of Canadians save thousands of dollars during the tax season each year. By hiring a tax accountant, you can do the same and get some financial relief. This would go a long way in relieving some of the financial stress you are under too.
Since tax accountants are professionals, they can help you file tax returns without making any mistakes. They can iron out flaws in your cash flows and make sure that nothing is amiss in the paperwork. This is important because, during each tax season, many people get fined by the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) for filing incomplete or flawed tax returns. These fines can put an extra burden on your finances and can put you under more stress. You can avoid having to pay these fines if you get a tax accountant to do your taxes. This way you can remain stress-free and focus more on running your business.
Besides the financial help that tax accountants offer, they free you up from the worry and tension that accompanies each tax season. This tension is not good for your mental health as it can cause you to make wrong decisions and do things that you normally won’t. For instance, some people are known to drink a lot to cope with the stress while others start overeating. Both these coping mechanisms are unhealthy and can have disastrous consequences. Thus, the ideal way to deal with this tension is to hire an accountant and let them take this responsibility.